Tuesday 31 March 2015

Week #4: Reflection 3

Group 2 Tools


This week I have presented my reflection with the help of VoiceThread, which is also the tool I am focussing on.  I'm excited to see how you all like it, and nervous to see how I go in the "assessment" stakes with the change in how I am presenting my reflection.  I'm well aware my last two have been very text based with a little YouTube and pictures thrown in, and I wanted to shake it up a bit!!

- Isabel -


Voicethread 4 Education Accessed: 31/03/15. Retrieved From:

VoiceThread Accessed: 31/03/15. Retrieved From:


  1. Hi Isabel, came to check your post and it looks great.

    I didn't know VoiceThread, it looks like a very nice tool indeed. I went to their website and the only I could use is by paying for it... did you get to record the video in your post for free?.

    I'm posting very soon, I'll have to do my podcast with a different tool for now :)



  2. Hi Paulo!

    I just registered and used the public version. The educational version is paid. Did you try just signing up? I definitely didn't pay for mine!!

  3. G'day Isabel,

    Thank you for your post on my blog this week! It was very nice to read :) I'm a very direct person and don't use a lot of words to get my point across.
    Your voice recording was very interesting especially about being in a 1 teacher school and learning from a VHS, that would have been hard!

    Yes, I am doing this degree to use together with my Bachelor of Music to become an instrumental music teacher. I will be able to teach classroom as well but my main focus is on teaching (woodwind) instruments.

    If you checkout my blog for this week the video is in one of the classrooms I work in and if your old enough for VHS you may know the theme song I use in the video!


  4. Isabel,
    I too struggle with creating multimedia for presentations. Interacting is easy, you do not have to think about it - its all there for you. However, this did get me thinking are students today also just using multimedia as passive users - its there enjoyment. While i have been reading about how learners engage it was not until your voice thread that I actually really thought about students creating multimedia as a learning tool and how it creates higher order thinking. If I can learn from it then so can they. Thank you.

  5. Isable,
    Great job, I hadn't heard of Voice thread and just recorded my podcast on my phone and the uploaded it. I was interested in your mention of MathsCast. I have to admit my scholoing years were before computers were commonplace and so I am struggling with how to bring Maths and ICT together. I looked up MathCast and it looks really good. Thanks.

    Regards Katrina
